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Why Shine, why now?

In 2021, over 47 million Americans voluntarily quit their jobs. This unprecedented mass exit from the workforce is known as the Great Resignation of 2021. Laura and I were two of those 47 million people.

The data shows that there are various reasons for this mass exit – low pay, no advancement for growth and lack of respect. We believe those are all ways of saying that people are walking away from jobs that no longer serve them. They are taking a stand for the type of life they want – how do you want to spend your time? What type of environment do you want to be in every day? What types of people do you want to surround yourself with?

We were both lucky to work for a company that gave us opportunities to learn, grow, fail, and build relationships. As privileged as this was, we were focused on how high we could climb on the corporate ladder and how many designations we could have next to our email signature. For years, we tied our identity to our professional life and tried to advance to corporate positions that didn’t align with our true fulfillment.

As we both went through challenges in our personal life and evolved to be emotionally and mentally healthier, we started noticing that the professional side of our lives was not evolving in the same way. We yearned for sincere relationships, genuine empowerment of women and an environment that challenged us in a healthy and productive manner. We identified an opportunity to create this holistic environment for women. Not just how you look on the outside, but how you feel on the inside and how you express yourself. And with that, Shine, a Scottsdale-based Image Consulting company, was born.

Our jobs did not define us. Our jobs were not what made us feel our best. Now, we are not implying that you need to leave your job to ignite change. We are sharing what worked for us, which built the foundation for Shine - what made us feel our best is how we took care of ourselves, how we expressed ourselves and how we helped others.

We hear all the time from women not feeling recognized for their worth – this is where we come in. Shine’s sole mission is focused on helping you see and feel your value and sharing that with the world in a way that is authentic to you! Whether it is a dinner party with friends, preparing for an interview or presentation, attending a work event with colleagues, or dressing for everyday life, we are here to help. We are here to help you Shine from the inside out.

You don’t need the Great Resignation to spark your next chapter, but this movement does trigger an important question - ‘If not now, when?


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